Ute Wennrich
Born in Augsburg in 1951.
1968-78 carpentry apprenticeship and interior architecture and architecture studies with diploma at the Hochschule der Künste, Berlin.
Worked as an architect since 1978 and as a visual artist from 1989.
Various study / work stays in Germany and abroad.
Membership of GEDOK Berlin and sculpture network.
Glasblüten (9-teilige Installation) (2019)
Dimension (HxBxT) je 3-6 x je 12-20 x je 12-20 cm
Fahnenobjekt (5-teilig) (2019)
Dimension (HxBxT) je 48-60 x je 48-60 x je 1 cm
Objekt 8 - Einzeller (3-teilig) (2019)
Dimension (HxBxT) je 25 x je 20 x je 20 cm
Objekt 10 - Kopffüssler (3-teilig) (2019)
Dimension (HxBxT) je 20 x je 20 x je 35 cm