german english

Marcel Haccuria

Haccuria, Marcel (unknown)
Born in1943.
He is creating three-dimensional sculptures and bowls made of glass, stone and metal. Since 1989, individual exhibitions and participation in group exhibitions in the Netherlands and Belgium.


Elemente (2016)

Dimension (HxBxT) 320 x 60 x 60 cm

Samen (2016)

Dimension (HxBxT) 250 x 55 x 55 cm

Voor Elkaar (2016)

Dimension (HxBxT) 33 x 20 x 6 cm

Projekt 2 (2016)

Dimension (HxBxT) 33 x 20 x 6 cm


0032 4 97 91 03 01
Koning Albertlaan 118
3920 Lommel
Participation in the exhibition:  2016
Country:  Belgium